Monday, September 18, 2006

Sunday, September 17, 2006

(Bjorke * BotzBlog) What You Choose to See

(Bjorke * BotzBlog) What You Choose to See
This is a thought provoking and practical post. I especially like this quote "My conclusion so far is that the paradox is illusory, a byproduct of the fact that neither the color photograph or the B&W photograph are the things being photographed. As the old Winogrand saw goes: they're new facts. Once you see a color photograph, already made, it's harder to think of it as anything else. Seeing the photograph is a new experience, one that is like seeing the things photographed while photographing, but... not the same. And that this surely has an influence on the way photographs are redacted from contact sheets and so forth. If they start B&W, they are B&W. Color, color."

Friday, September 8, 2006